January’s Birthstone: The Garnet

January’s Birthstone: The Garnet

January's birthstone is the regal garnet. Here are a few fun facts… 

  • Its deep red hues are reminiscent of a pomegranate seed, which is actually how it got its name! 
  • This stunning stone is not just limited to its classic red; garnets can also be found in a rainbow of colors, including green, orange, pink, and even colorless.
  • Historically, garnets have been associated with protection, as well as deep and lasting friendship. 

So, here’s to all the January birthdays, and a wonderfully unique birthstone!

A perfect gift for a January birthday is the beautiful Lily bracelet featuring a center garnet and turquoise stones in a flower design.

Turquoise and Garnet Lily Bracelet 

  • Garnet 0.32c
  • Turquoise 0.17c
  • 14k gold 
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